Indi Hotels

Privacy Policy

At Indi Hotels, we prioritize your privacy and strive to offer you the best customer service experience. We adhere to the guidelines set forth in the Privacy Act 1988 (Crh), which outlines principles safeguarding individuals' privacy.

Do we collect your personal information?

To deliver our products and services effectively, we require your personal information. This enables us to understand your preferences and cater to your needs, ensuring a superior level of service.

How do we collect information?

We only collect your information when you knowingly provide it. This may occur through various channels, such as phone inquiries, the completion of registration forms during check-in, the submission of business cards, or sending your details via email or fax.

Do we disclose personal information?

We may disclose your personal information with your consent or as required by law.

Is your personal information accurate?

We prioritise the accuracy, completeness, and currency of the personal information we collect. You can contact us anytime to update or rectify any inaccuracies in your information.

Is your personal information secure?

We employ reasonable measures to protect your personal information from unauthorised access, alteration, disclosure, or misuse. Upon the conclusion of its necessity, we securely delete your information from our systems.

Can you access your personal information?

You have the right to request access to the information we hold about you. Legal obligations may require us to retain your personal information even after your association with us ceases.

Does your personal information leave the country?

We only transfer personal information internationally if it is legally mandated.

What about sensitive information?

Sensitive information, such as racial or ethnic origin, professional affiliations, health details, or other personal data, is collected, used, and disclosed in compliance with relevant laws.

Our privacy policy is subject to change.

We regularly review our policies to stay abreast of legal, technological, and guest needs developments. Consequently, this policy may be updated periodically.

Who should I contact about privacy?

To address privacy concerns or lodge complaints, you can reach out to the director in writing.

Where can I find additional privacy information?

For further insights into privacy matters, visit the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner's website at: